Eminem 8 mile battle lyrics
Eminem 8 mile battle lyrics

eminem 8 mile battle lyrics

We are always looking for new sister subs, pm the mods if you want to be added to the list 0: Do NOT post personally-identifiable information at all, including addresses, phone numbers, or credentials such as badges or IDs.Though people are wholly responsible for their own actions, we ask for the sake of staff stress that any legally questionable actions be discussed in the hypothetical.

eminem 8 mile battle lyrics

9: The point of this sub is learning and while we discuss ethically questionable actions, it is for discussion and learnings sake.8: Community moderation is a position of responsibility not power, all moderators will be held accountable for their actions.

eminem 8 mile battle lyrics

  • 7: All Staff should be neutral and unbiased, If they personally have an issue with a member of the community it should be taken up with a neutral 3rd party preferably a another moderator where possible.
  • 6: No x-posting content to Social justice warrior/white knight subs like SRS to encourage internal down vote brigading.
  • 5: No poaching/recruiting users for off site forums that use a VIP pay wall donation system.
  • 4: Don't abuse the report system just because you disagree with something.
  • 3: No nay saying, if you don't like something down vote and move on, unless you have some constructive input.
  • 2: No malicious attempts at social engineering other members of the community.
  • We appreciate any content on social interaction, however occasionally some content requires a basic explanation, as such any links that are posted should be accompanied by a comment with a bit of written context explaining why you think it belongs here. r/socialengineering is a subreddit dedicated to the art & science of human manipulation & social hacking, as well as public relations at an individual level.

    Eminem 8 mile battle lyrics